River's Edge by Barclay House Activities in Savannah, Georgia
River's Edge by Barclay House Activities in Savannah, Georgia
River's Edge by Barclay House Activities in Savannah, Georgia
River's Edge by Barclay House Activities in Savannah, Georgia
River's Edge by Barclay House Activities in Savannah, Georgia

Barclay Residents Are on the Move!

A vibrant activities program with a focus on fun and new learning is at the heart of life at River's Edge by Barclay House. Our monthly calendars include live music, community outings, guest speakers, cooking demonstrations, volunteer opportunities, and much more! Every day of the week, our dedicated activities professionals help to create joy, excitement, and engagement.

Download This Month's Activity Calendar Here.

This year, we're diving into a thrilling adventure with our annual theme: Uncovering the Unknown, Lost Legends and Lore. Each month, we’ll uncover a new mystery, whether it’s a famous landmark, an unsolved event, or a strange phenomenon that has puzzled people for centuries. Along the way, we'll also explore geographical locations tied to these intriguing mysteries, expanding our knowledge of the world.

Uncovering the Unknown
Residents playing cards at River's Edge by Barclay House in Savannah, Georgia

Just a few of our regular happenings:

  • Bridge Club
  • Happy Hour
  • Trivia Challenge
  • Guest Speakers
  • Baking Club
  • Book Club
  • Field & Restaurant Trips
  • TED Talks
  • Guest Speakers
  • Storytellers
  • More!

Reimagine What Life Can Be